Matter and Change

Matter - The fancy name for STUFF

If it exists, whether you can see it or not, we call that"stuff" matter. And like all things in science, we have a list of words used to describe the nature of matter. Many of those vocabulary terms are used in our normal, everyday language. Following is a list of those terms.

  • mass
  • volume
  • extensive property
  • intensive property
  • substance
  • physical property
  • solid
  • liquid
  • gas
  • vapor 
  • physical change
Steps to Success:

(1) Take a full sheet of paper and divide it vertically into 3 columns. The left column contains a list of the terms above. The middle column is to be YOUR present definition of the term. The right column is the "official" definition you get from Google or some other source.

Taking Another Look

One of the subtle difficulties in learning science is that some things are so ubiquitous, so common, that we think we know about it, but not really. Either that, or some events are so natural and obvious we watch, but don't really ask legitimate questions such as why? how? and so forth.

For starters on delving deeper into the common, watch and TAKE NOTES on the following video.

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