Atomic Structure

Atomic Structure

Almost everything we observe is made of atoms. The word "almost" is used because light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation are not made of atoms, but represent a totally different form of the way things exist. Matter and energy can be considered different, but we shall see in later lessons where they are not totally separate from one another. But that's another story.

At the simplest level all matter ("stuff") is made of atoms in different arrangements with one another. The purpose of this lesson is to give a fundamental look of how an atom is constructed. By now you are beginning to see that what seems simple might not be quite as easily understood as we initially think. The same is true of atomic structure... as we go deeper into how things are put together the complexity of our observable universe will become obvious.

Time to think small. 

The following video will give a solid overview of the nature of the atom. The vocabulary and concepts in this video are critical to future success in studying chemistry, thus you are to list each term then write a definition or description of the term or concept. In fact, even in this age of "don't memorize more than you need." the vocabulary of this topic is absolutely necessary to commit to memory.

Steps to Success.

(1) From the list of terms you defined you are to construct a ten-question multiple choice quiz. Be sure and make the incorrect responses logical and relevant to the main topic.

(2) Now that you have created this great quiz... take it, showing the correct answers.

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