Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Sherlock Holmes often used the word "elementary" as he explained his reasoning to Dr. Watson. In most cases Holmes was showing the simplicity of reasoning he needed to deduce something complicated and not so obvious.

In one sense, the same is true of the physical elements. Ninety two naturally occurring substances get together in various forms to create all the millions of compounds we observe in nature or have produced synthetically. We shall see how the nature of the forces or bonds that hold things together determines the characteristics of each of those substances.

The following video gives a good overview of the nature of elements, compounds and mixtures. As you watch feel free to write down any questions you might have regarding the video.

Nothing is as simple as it looks in the textbook.

It's easy to talk about the elements based on the work of a historical group of inquisitive chemists. It's also quite intriguing to see the work and travail they went through in giving us that information.

PBS has produced an interesting video showing some of the non-textbook issues about the elements.
Watch as much of the following video as you wish, then simply write your reactions to the video.

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